
We support many community projects around Kingston Upon Thames, however, have our own inhouse projects that we run and love!

Community Fridge

Every Friday from 11-1pm.

Yardening – Volunteer Gardening 

We have a yard of potted plants and raised beds at the environment center that are in need of care.  If you would like to volunteer to help out with this, please contact Pat via our Contact Us Form or turn up Thursdays or Saturdays at 10am


In May 2022 KEC appointed Janine Martin as their Recycling Officer.

For more details about this project, please see our dedicated recycling page.


The Hogsmill Community Garden has now been open for over 4 years. The garden addresses the need for more outdoor community spaces, with opportunities to improve health and gain practical skills in environmental practices.

The project also involves ongoing workshops in plant propagation, vegetable and fruit growing, composting as well as garden maintenance following organic growing principles.

The Community Garden is open 3 days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 11am – 3pm throughout the year.

See the Hogsmill Community Garden Facebook page for more information on our diary dates.

SEED AND SWAPS We are the home of the Kingston Seed Bank and hold varieties of seeds collected by the heritage seed library and by trained seed savers. The seeds are kept in a cool vermin-proof container with the idea to save seeds that breed true. Seed banks preserve the genetic diversity that generations of farmers and gardeners have provided.

We host Seed Bank and Swaps events that include seed swapping, home-cooked food, local group gardening projects, stalls and extra swapping sessions. Details for our next event will be posted on our site!

ALEXANDRA ORCHARD Tucked away in Alexandra Park, Tolworth, a beginners orchard of 13 fruit trees, which was planted with the help of the Urban Orchard Project. Anyone living nearby who would like to help care for these trees is most welcome to contact us, as we would love to develop a community orchard supporting more variety and interest in years to come.

KINGSTON STITCH AND CHAT  Would you like to get together with other knitters and stitchers? Maybe you are you interested in environmental issues such as recycling and reusing? If you are you can join us at the Environment Centre and

  • Bring along some knitting or sewing you are working on
  • Start a new project
  • Get ideas from other people
  • Recycle and reuse materials
  • Talk about green issues
  • 7pm to 9pm, the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month


On line 24hr station based at KEC, now broadcasting 87.7 FM in and around Kingston Upon Thames.

Click here to find out more.

Other Community Group Projects meeting @ KEC

Square 1 Cafe

Square 1 cafes are for social recovery from Covid-19 and life generally. A safe, inclusive space, where everyone is welcome, and everything is free.  For more details see our Square 1 Cafe info page.

Kingston Cycling Campaign

We are the local Kingston Borough group of the London Cycling Campaign, promoting cycling in the borough and speaking up for everyone on bikes – children and adults.

Meetings are usually held at 8pm on a Tuesday at the Kingston Environment Centre, but please check for more info.

Kingston XR

Meetings are generally held at KEC on the last Thursday of the month, but please see for information about this group and meeting times.

If you are interested in getting involved in any of our projects please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are set up to help support people who want to be involved and local groups who need advice and assistance on sustainability issues. If you have an idea but aren’t sure about funding and all its practicalities for a project you are planning (or simply an idea) – from sustainable garden design to litter picks and anything else in between drop us a line.